Welcome! Please see the important notice below
Thank you for visiting the website of Faith Lutheran Church in Troy, New York. Whether you are a long time member or a first time guest, we're glad you're here! You and your family are invited to join us for worship and fellowship! If this is your first visit with us, Click Here to see what to expect!
Welcome to Pastor Kate
Pastor Kate is now preaching at Faith Lutheran Church. Sunday mornings, in person and via Zoom at 10:45 A.M.
Pastor Kate's phone 518-279-6127 cell / text
Church phone 518-237-4641
Worship Schedule :
In person Worship is now being held at Faith Lutheran Church every Sunday beginning at 10:30 A.M. Communion is also being served.
This service will also be carried live via Zoom at 10:30 A.M. Zoom is a program that allows communication with a land line telephone or a non-smart cell phone (voice only) or a computer, smart phone or a tablet with video and voice capability. Smart phones and tablets may require the Zoom app to be downloaded.
You will access our virtual service by:
Phone: Dial +1 646 558 8656. When prompted enter the Meeting ID 83772454374. Password 049977.
Joining a Zoom meeting via computer, find:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83772454374?pwd=ZVJDL3FxRjZSN2ZHTTFIUGo3TVVmdz09
Then use Meeting ID: 83772454374 and password: 049977.
Having trouble? Contact Fred Howard at 518 753 4288 (home) or 518 421 4576 (cell) or Diana Rieker at 518 892 5283 (cell).
Read our Newsletter
Our newsletter is available from the "News and Events" tab above or by using this link:
NEW FEATURE: You can now make online Donations and set up Automatic Payments. To set up or check your account click the button below.

We are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA.